So the night started with two local bands, one was a bunch of middle aged drunk men who played something like groove-metal, not sure why they were on the bill but luckily we missed most of their set. Then the
lead singer didn't want to get off the stage so they turned everything off. Then the next local band was pretty okay, definitely a step up. They were something like
black metal if I remember right, some cool riffs and some people started to move. They played for about twenty minutes and then
Keep of Kalessin was up. (Pathology should have been up, but were in a van accident and couldn't make it).
I've never listened to the band or even heard of them, but they kind of sounded like
Amon Amarth. Their website says "the best live band from
Norway," but to be honest I didn't see the big deal. There was really nothing special about them to me, but they do what they do well. A mosh started, and with a show like this, there were no dancers anywhere and if they were to show up, they would be killed. So they played for a half hour and next up was a band I was there to see- Psycroptic!
Psycroptic |
They started with and mostly played songs from Ob(servant), with the exception of "Lacertine Forest" and a new song that sounded pretty badass. "Ob(servant)" was the
best song of the night for them in my opinion. I got super stoked for that and started the pit, such a good song. Then they ended with "Initiate" and that was that. I was pretty pissed at the amount of people moshing for them compared to Keep Of Kalessin, since Psycroptic had about half the people for some reason. One thing that sorely disappointed me was the lack of Jason Peppiatt. His vocals are so unique but fortunately for him and unfortunately for us he had a kid, nonetheless congrats to him! So since he has unique vocals, his replacement (Zdenek Simecek of Godless Truth) sounded lacking (he was good, but not as good), mainly because he didn't really do anything but lows. And seeing as this was the last tour cycle for Ob(servant), it'll be a while til they come back.
Psycroptic |
The next band was Ex Deo. Not a lot to say about them either, damn near every song had the same equation: Sound clip, chant start, fast part, and slower epic ending. So for the first song I was like "yeah, this sounds pretty rad," but it got old quick and to the point where me and a friend just chanted for the whole song. Not a band I would go out of my way to see again.
Nile |
Then the headliners, Nile! Longest sound check ever, but it was worth the wait. They started with "Kafir!" and it was crazy good, just as the rest of their set was. More than half their set consisted of songs from
Those Whom The Gods Detest. The bar emptied and all the drunk people came in to mosh. I got to the stage again so I yelled the words along with Karl, very fun band. My friend made his way to the bathroom and apparently there was a guy who got his teeth knocked out, their pit is no joke! For sure the most people in the pit the whole night. No encore or anything, but Karl stood around to shake hands and whatnot. Pretty good show, just wish they were with better bands.
-King of Those Who Know
Why do kids hardcore dance? Not even Karl Sanders knows
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